

Welcome to Paris Par Là.

I prance around Paris finding things I love. I created this so you can do the same.






If you know me at all and had to associate me with a single food, it would be TACOS.

In Los Angeles, I eat tacos 340/365 days of the year. I make organic ones at home. I have all my favorite Mexican places around town. I’ve probably brought you to all of them. Even, sometimes, a taco truck at 3 in the morning.

It’s truly an obsession.

I was raised by a Latina woman and I think I blame her for forming me into an addict.

That being said, when I spend months in Paris, I start getting the itch. So much so, that I’d be willing to purchase a roundtrip ticket just to have a saudero taco from LA’s Taco Zone.

Well, now I don’t have to. BOCAMEXA has graced Paris with real Mexican food.

HIGHLY RECOMMEND: chicken pibil burrito avec salsa verde

Here’s their story:

"June 2006 , the summer arrives in Lyon and I met Alejandra, coming from Monterrey in Mexico to study, like me, the kitchen at Paul Bocuse Institute.

A few glasses of tequila and a wedding in Zacatecas later, we decide to set up our own Mexican restaurant in the heart of Paris. Bocamexa, like the mouth of the Mexican, who wants to eat at home.

The recipes of the grandfather are revisited, the phones importers of peppers start to ring in all directions and in 2010, we get the keys of 127 rue Mouffetard! After a few months of sweating in plaster and electric cables, Bocamexa opens its doors”

Julien Zattara